July 21, 2015

The Society for Ethics, Peace and Global Affairs is hosting a seminar event at American University's Abramson Family Recital Hall at the Katzen Arts Center to explore themes relating to the ongoing war on drugs. The event will feature three panels of authors, activists, scholars and policy specialists with expertise in these areas.

Among the panelists is former drug smuggler and criminal justice reform activist David Victorson, whose recently released memoir 37 Tons discusses in intimate detail his experiences as one of the major importers of cocaine and marijuana from Colombia to the United States in the 1970s and his five years inside America's prison system. Also at the event will be Douglas Husak, Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University, whose academic work, including six published books and over a hundred journal articles and book chapters, applies tools from applied ethics and moral philosophy to questions of criminalization, prohibition and legalization. Other panelists include journalists Dawn Paley and Nick Schou who have investigated foreign policy and intelligence agency aspects of the drug war in Latin America, and policy professionals who work in the Washigton area for NGOs, non-profits and research institutes that advocate reform to the United States' outdated interventionist and prohibitionist stances.

Directions: The event will be held at the Abramson Family Recital Hall at American University's Katzen Arts Center. The address is 4400 Massachussetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20016. The Katzen Arts Center is accessable by the AU shuttle bus which runs between the Tenleytown-AU metro station (Red Line) and the the campus (first stop on the Blue Route bus) and by various bus routes such as the N2, N3, N4, N6 and M4. Parking is available at the Katzen Arts Center library and is free to the public for this event.

The event is free and open to the public.

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May 12, 2017

                              IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LONG, DON’T LIVE HERE…
                                                  INNER CITIES USA
To work with inner-city, community groups, including male and female juvenile offenders, to chisel/modify street survival knowledge into a functional business enterprise, shifting ideas focus from illegal commodities, such as drugs, to legal commodities, while establishing the relationship nexus between drug dealing, cash flow, and legal business, and promoting teamwork consensus versus fear-based hierarchies. 
Our vision is to increase the presence, success and visibility of at-risk minority youths by transforming survivalist skills, honed by the hardships within their community, into viable business enterprises. (Survival is act of surviving; to stay living.)
The School ‘Em team will enter a community with the goal of mentoring and guiding the youth to create their success model using their creative ideas combined with the life wisdom of our mentors. Using program resources (mentors) banking/finance, corporate structure-legal marketing/branding, they will build viable business entities that each teen believes will help improve his/her future and current living situation. We operate under the understanding that program mentors do not know fully know what is specifically going to assist each teen, but we can use program resources to show each teenager that they already have a skill set and street experience that will be vital and valuable—even provide a comparative advantage--to achieving success in the legitimate business world.
SCHOOL ‘EM: The passing on of wisdom to hack corporate culture with street survival values.

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